I know what you mean. Well, I can't wait to go to school tomorrow. Maybe something will happen then. You know?
A.M.O.F stands for amonkeyonfire...or you could just put amof...you lazy basterd...
Age 30, Male
UK England
Joined on 7/12/08
I know what you mean. Well, I can't wait to go to school tomorrow. Maybe something will happen then. You know?
yeah i guess so...
well not that i am a heavy enthusiast on the bioshock game, i LOVED to watch it, and the twist at the end was brilliant! "would you kindly" rofl.
gooooooooood stuffles. =D
stuffles! XD thats awesomez! im currently complating survivor mode and its...wait wait wait! watch it??? you mean you only watched it?
I don't really know he's a muslim but I know he is from israel so...,
nice logo btw :p
i guess im ok with coloured people or people from the middle east (as long as thay dont come into my country) but i dont agree with the muslim religion (and yes i have read the Qur'an before dis agreeing with them)
Your still a lvl.4? :D Raise your lvl. dood!
your huge????
I like you...
awww ^_^
These posts that are so... official, with there lists and statements about things that are actually somewhat important. I never know what I'm supposed to say about any of it. Makes me feel a bit out of place.
erm well i try my best to end my posts with something for you guys too talk about try clicking one of the links or comment about a comment....or comment about a comment that was about a response that was about a comment!
No no no. That's alright. Thanks though. I still like all my teachers. They're just a little stricter then last year. That's all. And who cares really, I'll only b here for another month and a half. Then I move to Texas and get new teachers. You know? Though that is funny, I might tell one of my friends to do. Tee hee. }:)
hee hee best trick in the book...
you've only got 6 ps3 games?
yeah but there fucking good games!
Well to answer your answer i am TOTALLY english! but i speak with a cartoony american accent in my voice submissions and voice acting.. :D to make them more appealing. :D thanks for checking out my work too man! =D
any time! i havent been able to stop checking them out lately so i guess its all the time!
Nice art! I really want bioshock. Isn't Danicos good?
thanks! bioshock is one of my favorite games you should really give it a go!
yeah danicos is fine what do you mean?
If this were a zombie apocolypse, I would dawn my trench-
coat and become, Detective Duncan White! professional
sniper/opportunist. I would use a sawn off shotgun, a
lever action winchester rifle, and twin revolvers.
But alas there is no zombie apocolypse........darn.
if this were a zombie apocolypse i would make a team of people made of a black guy, a biker dude with tatoos, an old but tough guy, aaaand a hot girl...
I'll try to get bioshock, isn't danicos fun and all... like just... "friendly"? lol.
yeah hes awesome ^_^
Check my new post plz.
im on my way!
check out my amazen site!!!!
<a href="http://boof.freehostia.com">http://boof.freehostia.com</a>
lets see click a link i found on newgrounds by a guy who uses caps and sez amazen.....let me give you a short answer..... NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! nope
no the kk need to be banned from newgrounds
but there a part of newgrounds....and my blam n protect
dude Danicos left a while ago
wait what?!?! when?
ZOMG bioshock so epic. =D no secret agendas hide within my posts, but bioshock is still the awesome. you get to be a big daddy in No2! YEAH!
amonkeyonfire (Updated )
I KNOW :D i cant wait till it comes out but i hear that the BBFC (The British Board of Fucking Cunts) could ban it in the UK! (where i live) allso thay bung the release date back to next year!