Neck it and have it for your tea.
A.M.O.F stands for amonkeyonfire...or you could just put lazy basterd...
Age 31, Male
UK England
Joined on 7/12/08
Neck it and have it for your tea.
what am i chinese?
whatever you do do not put in the pound because pound pets only get 6 or 7 days to live most of the time and its to big to take to a pet shop because then they won't be able to sell it and if they would it would be with bad people most likely so i wouldn't feed it to much or it will never leave trust me i got stuck with a kitten that way and then it got killed so if you do feed it get it away from they house keep an eye on it so when it leave the garden follow it with food and then if it goes to the place you fed it last feed it if it goes to another persons house leave it alone it most likely knows them people
well if we cant find someone for her via newspaper or the internet then we might keep her but i havent really talked it over with everyone in the house
One random question, how did you reveal the true face of evil? (The madness Acceleration game) I don't know how to get that medal >_<
Thanks in advance :D
i puched trickys mask off when he was weak at the end of the game
its a puttie cat named fir :3
its an awesome cat named fire :3
i wanna kitty cat wha ;_;
maybe you should be so awesome that all the stray cats want to be your friend like me!
New Post
this ones bran new!
dude i totally gotawsomer i'm typing on a super tiny laptop and i got catnip
try rolling around in fish that may work....dont get too addicted to that cat nip now!
Same thing happened with ma turtle, Jack. He was banging on our front door at seven in the morning, and we kept him, but then the real owner came along, and he didn't even pay us for finding him. Paper that says, "200 dollar reward" doesn't mean anything, these days.
since when could turtles bang on doors? i allway thought thay used the doorbell....
anyway i dont care if these a reward or even a sad little girl! im keeping fire! finders keepers losers.....can go die in hell! >:)
Nope, just the cold. LOL You are so funny. Yeah I know, they do it because it puts the horse through much less pain.
hahaha i am funny! shooting wounded horses! HA! im soooo funny XD
LOL Whoops! LOL I had pizza last night. Peperoni kicks ***! Uh oh. O.O
She's so cute! I love her. She looks like my cat tiger!
shes very egyptian the markings on her head are very close together and resemble a scarab she allso have the lines at the side of her eyes that all egyptian pheros have....but her names still going to be fire so dont even say it -_-
I want fire kitty :(
fire kitty belongs to fire monkey...
i rolled in fish and got 2 moar kittys and she not egyption mew if she was you there would be a very bold /\/\ on her head and from pic she just normal tabby
all tabbys have the scarab on there head....
I like ur logos :P
Rank: Scout
Blams: 100
Saves: 100
Rank #: 37,391
lol 100, 100
Great job
And dat iz one sexeh cawt
thanks i only have 100 out of 100 cos im fair :) sexeh jwst lak mah cawt!
you cant handle the fire kitty!
well as long as they don't make spam that fine then
that kitty is adorable. it likely has an owner, however, if they are not particularly looking for it, if an animal is not claimed for a period of time, you are allowed to keep it. so long as you alerted the animal authorites of the missing animal, you may care for it. the trick to getting it inside is slowly move its water and food bowl ALSO its bed, closer and closer to the back door... then eventually to the indoors. when its in, dont fuss it... let it get used to its new environment. cats love you. :D fire is a awesome kitten name :D
lol she wont get out our house! the first thing she did when we found her was run into our house and sit on one of the beds!
So you're keeping him?
yes we are keeping her...
I suppose you have an animal center somewhere near you, here where I live you can report missing/found animals through an association like that and then they post some "animal found/lost" articles all over the place (interwebz, newspaypah etc.) in an attempt to find the owner/animal. Try googling some stuff and see if you can find a place like that, also check your newspapers for ads on lost/found animals and you might find a reliable place. Or you could might be able to ask your local police office if they know where you should go.
amonkeyonfire (Updated )
we couldnt find her on the net we checked a few lost pet sites but nothing...