well im now runing a virus scan with AVG cos some how i got a few nasty virus's (all ways use a condom with programs you dont know!) it started out with just the annoying google redirect virus that sends me not to nasty porn sites and to ads about crap im never gonna buy but to some assholes youtube profile with a bunch of people commenting on how much thay hate him for makeing the virus redirect them!! if this wasnt bad anough i was so stupid and annoyed i downloaded a fake virus scanner called spy hunter witch then gave me more virus's i have managed to get rid off most of them with spybot search & destroy (witch i renamed virus raper dont ask...) so now i have to wait till see what avg finds (as if my 5 yr old computer wasnt slow anough)
in other news i have now made some online friends starting with dslash and andrewboy dslash is a skilled artist and andrewboy is a skilled music makeing person this is the way it happend i sent an e-mail to dslash about noobs who steal his work and he sent me back a list of these asswipes back to me at the top was andrewboy so i went and made a bad comment on his post and voted 0/5 on everything he had he has now said sorry and where all friends....note:DO NOT STEAL DSLASH'S WORK!
anyway im now hunting for people who make bad reviews and flashs so i can get my whistle status up along with my lvl and blam n protect so if you know any angry spam like people who love to flood the portal with crap please tell me i am allso blaming my way through the portal unless a flash is really good cos im sick of the amount of crap that gets through dose anyone even watch the flashs anymore??? im mean look at my B&P points! like 70 protects to 30 blams!!!!
ALLSO looks like wacko jacko is moon walking in heaven now i never really liked him anyway you know him being a nutjob kiddy toucher and all so here are some jokes that have started since he has died please take these in good humor and post your own jokes if you have any
1) i heard thay melted him down into a slide....so kids can go down on him!!!
2) i think thay should turn him into a bag....plastic,white and dangerus for kids to play with!
anyhoo last one now ( i REALLY have stop typeing so much) im going to DOE next week to the isle of wight for bikeing and walking and going up stuff and awesome things like that so i wont be on for monday to friday allso heres a little picture i drew up tuke me a while so be nice ^_^
LOL!!!! :D