Kickass logo and a funny ass Name! ^-^
A.M.O.F stands for amonkeyonfire...or you could just put lazy basterd...
Age 31, Male
UK England
Joined on 7/12/08
Kickass logo and a funny ass Name! ^-^
really? awesome thanks man ^-^
Dang, thats damn good for paint!
i thought it looked a bit rubbish but i guess i was wrong! :D
Nice logo!
Sry I didn;t do it.
you can still send me it if you think its better im allways open for A.M.O.F style art work
Thought so. Oh you mean the picture from Princess Mononkoka! That's a cool logo! I like it!
hhmmm never seen that maybe i saw it in a tribute video or something....and thanks im allready makeing the christmass style logos
Hey where did you find that?
didnt find it i made it with paint
4)Andrewboy895 (gone)
lol man what do all you queers stick together or something?
all the people above are faggots. except for leedove, shes just an ugly bitch.
awww is someone jealous?
and get over yourself too, your not even good looking fag
well il be a little freaked out if you said i was....
jes indeed cool man
thanks man!
I think you can. Yeah I'm certain.And go ahead and scout Dslash first just in case you can't.
il have to wait when something of mine gets into the art portal first (which it might not seeing its only my logos)
Holdin' another secret contest, check it out when u get a chance.
im secretly on my way there!
lol u so gay
lol u so wrong
That's cool with me. Hey did you scout Dslash yet?
cant have to wait till my own stuff gets into the portal (like its ever going to)
too legit
legit is slang for legitimate
legitimate: being exactly as purposed : neither spurious nor false <a legitimate grievance> <a legitimate practitioner>
i think newgrounds is doing nothing about the spammers
yeah the over reacting mods are only there when you dont need them
OH MAN You got unscouted again!? That's ridiculous! There should be a law stating if you get scouted, you stay scouted. You now?
i dont think i was scouted in the first place i read the FAQ and it sez that only people who have there art work in the portal may scout other people so im gonna have to wait till an artist who likes pixley paint logos comes along....which is gonna be riiigghhttt aaabbboouuttt NEVER!
LOL Yes, yes you can LOL. So how's it going?
about: im sorry your family is have trouble but at the same time happy your bringing out a game (just please dont make a power we cant use) i would so totally send you some money but i dont really have any or know how to send it too you...
allso if thay bung you off to war kill a muslim for me :D
Yotam Perel is a muslim! Why would he kill his own kind? And only training btw, no real war.
HES A MUSLIM!!!! awwww but hes my favorite....allwell i guess egorapter will take the first spot on the list :'( he really should of anyway seeing that he makes flash's makeing fun of games...
TOO COOL. Hey have you seen my new post yet?
il go check it out right now!